Question and Answer with the SKATER, Dwayne Fagundes from DGK.
Famous skater Dwayne Fagundes answers some questions for the crew at Sant Jordi Hostels.
DetailsFamous skater Dwayne Fagundes answers some questions for the crew at Sant Jordi Hostels.
Details9 riders, 370km, 17 hours, average speed 27 km/h, Goal – Barcelona to Valencia on fixed gear bikes in a day. Its like the tour de France on speed!!! Imagine riding your bike for 17 hours straight, a total of 370 km (229 mile), and doing it all in one day. The mission of the…
DetailsDuring a friendly skate session with Barcelona skater and skate-park designer Sergi Arenas, we had the pleasure of learning a few things about the creator of our mini ramp. SJ: First of all,…
DetailsThe 2013 edition of the Sonar Barcelona Music Festival is the 20th edition of the famous event and will be one of the best yet! With a ridiculously good line-up, 3 full days packed with some of the most innovative and current media arts and music and events designed to showcase the best in the…
DetailsSurf legend, Bruce Irons was in Barcelona during the X Games Barcelona event a few weeks ago. At an autograph session at TacTic, the best surf/skate shop in Barcelona our boy, Duda Castro, a lover of all things surf and skate, had the pleasure of meeting the surf icon and letting him know what’s up…
DetailsTravel on Toast Visits Sant Jordi Hostel Gracia Hostel in Barcelona German language travel blogger Anja of the Travel on Toast travel blog, paid us a visit at our Sant Jordi Hostel Gracia hostel in Barcelona – and She really seemed to enjoy herself. A well-informed and experienced professional travel blogger, Anja from Travel on Toast…
DetailsIts official – The Sant Jordi Hostels Barcelona football team is equipped and ready for action. We got our official Sant Jordi Hostels Barcelona Football team jerseys and the boys are looking good. They might be pretty boys but they can play some mean footy. Every Friday we head over to the local football field…
DetailsGood times with a good friend from Ireland – Easy Eoghan, everyone’s favorite leprechaun. Good, old Easy Eoghan the traveling leprechaun who is always up for a pint and can’t resist the ladies, he can drink all night and somehow never misses the free-walking-tour the next day. He owned it at our Sant Jordi Hostel Sagrada…
DetailsLos Vivancos – Aeternum, the Extreme Flamenco Fusion show is on in Barcelona through June 23rd. If you feel like you’ve already seen it all in Barcelona and you’re looking for something to do other than the normal tourist thing – site seeing, pub-crawls and the like – you might be interested in taking in…
DetailsSummertime in Barcelona is a magical thing – Beaches with seemingly endless sun and surf, parties that go till dawn, tapas in a a quiet plaza, beuatiful people everywhere and topless sunbathing at Barceloneta. It might be raining and cold in the rest of Europe, but here in Barcelona the summer has already begun and…
DetailsThe video is in!!! Posted to the ESPN website, under the titel “Ramona Bruland Checks Out The Barcelona Skateboard Hostel” the official ESPN review of our Sant Jordi Hostel Sagrada Familia Hostel in Barcelona – “the place when you’re a skater traveling in Barcelona”!!! They got some good footage of our in-door mini-ramp, some shots…
DetailsX Games Barcelona 2013 Skate Park Final Ticket Give-away by Sant Jordi Hostels Barcelona They won, they went, they watched the boys destroy the X Games Barcelona Skate Park Final, 2013. The seats were amazing – right next to the VIP area – and the weather couldn’t have been better. What an amazing afternoon with…
DetailsThe X Games Barcelona Ticket Giveaway Winners Someone had to win!!! With 8 tickets to give away and less than 200 participants the chances of winning really weren’t that bad. We have a cool mix of people from around the world coming with us on Sunday to the X Games Barcelona Skate Park Final!!! We picked…
DetailsESPN X Games host Ramona Bruland came by our Sant Jordi Hostel Sagrada Familia hostel in Barcelona yesterday for a tour of our facilities and to interview our Marketing and New Media specialist, Duda Castro. The ESPN X Games film crew had free reign of the hostel. They filmed the facilities, checked out the mini-ramp and…
DetailsEven the New York Times is taking note of the recent changes in the hostel industry
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